Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dropbox Link is Now Up!

The link to Dropbox is now up! If you're ready to submit your recording and Artist Release, feel free to do so by clicking the link below and uploading. If you have any trouble with the link, or any questions, as always, feel free to drop me a line at

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Artist Release - Yes, Paperwork...

With the deadline for submissions only ten days away, hopefully everyone's making headway on their recordings! When you do submit your recording (to the Dropbox link, soon to be provided), please also print and sign the following, and send a scan or photo of it to either the Dropbox link or to Thanks, and good luck over the next ten days!

Artist Release

I, ____________________________, give permission for Brian Anderson, “Organizer” to use my submitted musical recording for the purposes of the Silent Sci-Fi Project. I give permission for the Organizer to distribute my recording as a free download via as part of the compilation album entitled “Silent Sci-Fi, Volume I”, and streaming at on the Silent Sci-Fi channel.

I recognize that I retain the rights to my work and remain free to distribute it, freely or for pay, in any other format or via any distribution channel of my choosing. I expect no monetary compensation from the Silent Sci-Fi Project and understand that any voluntary donations made via will be retained by the Organizer to support and promote future releases.

Signature:  ______________________________________________

Print Name: _____________________________________________

Date: _____________

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Shameless Call for Artist Profiles

As part of the release of Silent Sci-Fi, all participants are invited and encouraged (though not required) to submit the following information as an Artist Profile. These profiles will be published on the Silent Sci-Fi Blog. Profile info and pictures can be sent to and will be posted shortly after submission.

Artist Profile Template

Name/Band Name/Pseudonym: (This is the name that will appear on the album. This can also be your real name if you’re not using a band name or pseudonym.)

Real Name: (Optional, include this if you want both your band name and real name published)

Instruments Played: 

Influences, Musical or Otherwise:

Bio: (This can be as long or short as you want, but give us an idea who you are, what you've done, and what you’re about.)

Thoughts on your experience participating in Silent Sci-Fi: (This can include you talking about your writing process, gear you used, etc.)

Contact info: (Optional: This will be posted on the Silent Sci-Fi blog. Feel free to include your website(s) or those of other bands or projects you’re in- we encourage shameless self-promotion here.)

Include a photo or logo, if desired.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Silent Sci-Fi Official Kickoff!

Ladies and gents, the day you've all been waiting for has finally arrived- the day we kick off the Silent Sci-Fi challenge! The film we'll all be watching, silently, and using to inspire us, is Forbidden Planet (1956)! This should be an easy one to find. It's available through, among other places, the following channels:

Salt Lake County Library: (DVD) Forbidden Planet
Amazon: (DVD or Streaming) Forbidden Planet
VUDU:  (Streaming) Forbidden Planet

If you can't get a hold of the film for some reason,  contact me (Brian). I have one copy I can lend out.

So remember, watch the film with no sound and let that inspire your instrumental piece. Other than that, there are no real rules. Have fun, and submit your recordings by June 31st! Brian, over and out.