Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Silent Sci-Fi project, Volume IV Invitation

Ladies, Gentlemen, Aliens, Mutants, Robots of all configurations, we are less than a month away from kicking off Silent Sci-Fi, Volume IV! 

Whether you're a long time contributor or just found out about us, whether you're a recording pro or a hobbyist, if you are reading this, you are hereby invited to participate in the Silent Sci-Fi project, Volume IV, which will take place during the month of June. 

Silent Sci-Fi challenges musicians to watch the selected film, with the sound muted, and write and record an instrumental piece inspired by the film. The finished tracks will be collected by the Organizer and released as a free compilation album during July.

The writing portion for Silent Sci-Fi, Volume III, will kick off on June 1, 2017 with the announcement of our chosen film. As before, participants will watch the film without sound, and use that to inspire an instrumental track (any length, but 2-5 minutes is typical), which they will record and submit using this Dropbox link. As before, the challenge will take place over the course of a month, with the deadline for submissions being June 30, 2017.

Project Timeline: 

June 1: Kickoff- Name of film announced 
June 30: Deadline for submissions
July 7: Album release on Bandcamp 

You can hear our previous efforts here:

If this sounds like fun to you, you can follow the project on this blog or our Facebook page to receive updates or get more information about the project.  If you know someone who might want to participate, feel free to invite them.

-Brian Anderson, Organizer

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